I will be adding info, videos, pictures and much much more, so be sure to check in often!!
Hey all! so not allot has been going on the last year or so. I have had surgery done and pretty soon i'll be back in the cage!! I'll Be Back, in a cage in a town near you! hopping to go pro by the end of 2016.
8 August:
So Its been quiet now for a while, as you may have noticed. I have had an operation done and been rehabilitating for a couple of months now.
Soon ill be back in shape and in the cage kicking ass and taking names!!!
I have been thinking about trying out for the 2015 MMA World Championship. So next year big stuff will definitly be happening
Next Fight!!
8 December -70.3kg
Swedish Amature MMA Championships in my hometown Malmö.
Im going up for the Gold medal!!
The Zone Challenge 1. Vs Marcus Lindskog
Today (6 May) i won by RSC!!! see fight HERE
Kaisho Battle 6 March 31
-73kg Vs Philip Wendelin from Malmö Muay ThaiI won by Submission at 20sec in the first round. My fastest win yet :)
Fightlink HERE
Both Me and my brother won Silver medals. Next time we are going for the gold!!
On December 3, I will be going up for the Gold Medal in Sweden’s First Amateur MMA title fights ever. I will be weighing in at -70kg. My brother David will also be fighting for a gold medal but in shoot fighting -61kg. December 3 Helsingborg… BE THERE!!
I have now been bumped upp to Silver Medal -70 Swedish shootfighting leage due to the previous fighter was charged with the use of performance-enhancing drugs or so called "Doping".
I won the fight by Rear Naked Chocke at 4m10s. It was a Cage Fight and i had a blast. My older brother had his debut fight and he also won by RNC see the fight here---> [ Me ] [ Brother ]
Next fight will be 9 April in Nyköping!!
Sorry for the late update, my previous fight was in Helsingborg,
shootfighting -72kg i won by triangle choke!!
My fight has been Canceled due to recent injury
Next fight will be a Amature MMA fight i Rosengård, Malmö, feb 5
Be there!!
----------------------------------------------4 dec
Winner of the Swedish Brons Medal in Shootfighting -70kg
See the fight Here